Then, in 2008, China introduced a new labour law that ensured workers enjoyed better conditions, but dramatically raised labour costs. 接着在2008年,中国出台了新的劳动法,虽然保障工人享受到更好的待遇,但大大提高了劳动成本。
As a result, many feel that the current Labour Law fails to meet the requirements of the existing labour relationships, under the reformed economic system. 因此,经济体系改革以后,不少人认为现行的《劳动法》未能满足目前的劳动关系要求。
One of the law's most outspoken critics is Dong Baohua of the East China University of Political Science and Law, who helped draft China's first labour law in1994. 新法最大胆批评者之一是华东政法大学的董保华(DongBaohua)。他曾帮助起草中国第一部劳动法。
You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour Law. 社会保险:根据中国的相关劳动法规,公司将为您办理国家规定的社会保险福利。
It is a new form of strike – a very symbolic event, said Liu Cheng, a professor at Shanghai Normal University and an outside adviser in the drafting of the 2008 labour law. 这是一种新形式的罢工,一个极具象征性的事件,上海师范大学教授刘诚表示,他曾在2008年《劳动法》起草过程中担任外部顾问。
Furthermore, 11 years of the Labour Law experience has led to the identification of some defect areas that need to be revised or at least clarified. 再者,已实施了十一年的《劳动法》渐见一些不足之处,必须加以修改或至少作出澄清。
International Congress of Labour Law and Social Security 国际劳工法和社会保险大会
In other words, representative offices are not generally governed by the Labour Law. 换言之,代表办事处一般上是不受劳动法规管的。
Optional course units include: Comparative Industrial Relations; International Labour Law and Regulation; and International Human Resource Management. 选修课程:比较工业关系,国际劳工法律和法规,国际人力资源管理。
We offer advice to multinational and Chinese companies in South China on issues such as minimum wages, labour law updates, benefits, employer branding, career development and working conditions. 我们向华南地区的跨国与中资公司,提供最低工资、劳动法最新变动、福利、雇主品牌建设、职业发展与工作环境等问题的建议。
Dilma Rousseff, Lula's candidate in next October's presidential election, insists that no reform of the archaic labour law is needed ( see article). 卢拉在明年10月的总统选举的候选人,迪尔玛•罗塞芙(DilmaRousseff),坚持没有修改这部过时的劳动法的需要(见文章)。
As the Labour Law stipulates that labour contracts shall be in written form, but in reality, the de facto labour contracts without written forms are common. 我国《劳动法》规定劳动合同应当书面订立,但现实中不签订书面劳动合同形成的事实劳动关系大量存在。
International Society for Labour Law and Social Legislation 国际劳动法和社会立法学会
As a result, perhaps, many collective contracts signed by a union representing workers simply mirror the labour law, and the process appears to be more like a consultation rather than a negotiation. 因此,可能导致许多由工会代表职工签署的集体合同仅反映了劳动法,而且协商过程似乎更像是谘询而非谈判。
Essentially, these rules have attempted to deal with the changed labour relationship and to provide local standards for the labour contract, where the Labour Law remains silent. 实际上,这些规定旨在解决由劳动关系转变所产生的问题,并在《劳动法》未有明确规定的情况下,为劳动合同制定一套地方标准。
Under the new contract labour law, Mr Lu should have received the equivalent of 10 months 'wages in compensation. 根据新的劳动合同法,卢永元本应领回相当于10个月工资的补偿金。
Keep a good relationship with relative authority to update the PRC labour law and policy. 与政府相关部门保持良好的关系,确保信息渠道的畅通,掌握最新劳动人事政策。
Many observers have pointed out that the slowdown in renminbi appreciation coincided with sharp criticism within China about the difficulties faced by some exporters because of the stronger currency, a new labour law and tougher environmental regulations. 许多观察人士指出,在人民币升值步伐放缓的同时,中国国内出现了针对出口商所面临困境的尖锐批评。造成这些困难的原因包括人民币升值、新劳动法的实施以及更加严格的环保规定。
According to the provisions of the Labour Law of China, an enterprise should pay two or three times of his salary for the service of a staff member who works in non-working hours. 中国《劳动法》规定,在非劳动时间工作,应该支付多于工作两倍或三倍的酬金。
One day, the voracious bookworm came across a copy of the Chinese labour law. 有一天,这只如饥似渴的书虫偶然翻到了一本中国《劳动法》。
Guo Jun, an official at the All China Federation of Trade Unions ( ACFTU), said at a conference on Wednesday that Foxconn was violating the labour law by having its workers do massive overtime. 中华全国总工会官员郭军周三在一次会议上表示,富士康让工人长时间加班,违反了劳动法。
Unfair Dismissal under the British Labour Law and Its Remedies 英国劳动法的不公平解雇及其法律救济
Under the Labour Law, an employer is required to pay compensation for an employee's non-compete restrictive covenant, however, the sum payable, currently varies from one region to another. 根据劳动法,雇主必须就雇员的竞业禁止限制契诺支付补偿金,但须支付的数额目前是因地而异的。
The college students'non-pay employment agreements, which violate the Labour Law, cannot be regarded as labor contracts. 大学生零工资就业协议不是劳动合同,违反了《劳动法》的规定。
He said that apart from the role of the labour inspectorate to ensure compliance with labour law, his department has made it a condition of grant aid for all applicants under the NDP horticulture producers programme. 他说除了要发挥劳动监察部门的作用来保证人们遵守劳动法,他的部门也把这个作为批准所有申请ndp园艺生产者项目的一个条件。
But so, too, is the dubious new labour law, which, at least on paper, prevents companies from firing workers with 10 years or more experience. 但含糊的新劳动法也是如此。至少从字面上理解,该法律阻止企业解雇具有10年及以上工龄的工人。
We strictly obey all the regulations in Labour Law, implementing five eight-hour working days per week. 我们严格遵守劳动法的各项规定,实行五天八小时工作制。
Then in the end it gives some advice on making government's policy by example of new labour law in order to expect to promote government's policy-making more scientific. 因此在文章最后,本文以新劳动法为例对政府政策的制定也提出了一些建议,以期能够推进政府政策制定的科学化。
Unions have argued that the current standard template for investment treaties, developed under the Bush administration, risks allowing foreign investors in the us to circumvent environmental and labour law. 工会认为,投资条约现有的标准模板(是在小布什政府时期制定的),有可能为在美投资的外国投资者提供规避环保和劳动法律的机会。
The labour contract system is the premise and foundation to enforce the labour law. 劳动合同制度是维系《劳动法》实施的前提和基础。